Hole Horoscope: New moon in Cancer

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JACKSON, Wyo. — It’s Cancer season, a potent time for waves of emotions to come to the forefront under the first water sign of the Zodiac. While these waves might vary in intensity, it’s important to find ways to slow down and feel everything fully in order to heal from the first half of the year and be ready for the next six months.

Cancer is considered the mother of the Zodiac, full of protective and nurturing energy. Under the new moon of new beginnings, this period is conducive to self-healing and trusting intuition to allow yourself to grow. Read on to learn how your sign might make room for your best self during the emotional rollercoaster.


Solitude is the key to processing everything you’ve been holding onto and discerning what you want to keep with you or let go. Make time and space for yourself this weekend; you’ll be forced to rely on your personal resources without being distracted by whom others think you “should” be. No one else should get an opinion on your personality.


Art is critical during this time, but with a catch. Try exploring self-expression through a medium you haven’t mastered or practiced. If you paint, try music; if you write, try photography, etc. Give yourself the opportunity to find new ways to visualize what you’re feeling on the inside, and it might give you a new appreciation for yourself as well.


Meditation is necessary to make sure you’re able to keep the emotions you feel the strongest from overwhelming everything else. Whether it’s group yoga, a meditative hike or walk, or practicing mindfulness, slow down to step back from the intensity of your reactions. It’s important not to get lost in the heat of what you’re feeling.


Nesting might seem counterintuitive when the weather is warm and sunny, but connecting to your immediate and safest environment will provide the comfort you need during an emotionally charged time. Make the backyard or porch extra cozy and let yourself consider new perspectives and goals from a calm, quiet place.


Financial focusing might seem like the furthest thing from moving through your emotions, but it’s a great way to balance out the extremity of the feelings that could come up. Make a game plan to save and support yourself more fully monetarily, because that tangible security will alleviate a lot of the compounded emotional stress.


Self-love can be practiced in many ways, and since it’s your birthday month, it’s time to go all out! You spend so much time supporting the emotions of those closest to you; now it’s time to give that to yourself as you hit the reset button with a new year. Treat yourself to creature comforts, a vacation, taking yourself out to your favorite dinner or a day off.


Volunteer this week or next in any way that you can, leaning into acts of service and focusing on others in order to take yourself out of the spotlight. Humility will actually prove to be the key to balancing out your emotions and prioritizing them for yourself. Once you have that in order, you can take center stage again with confidence and leadership.


Friendship should be your focus during this time, allowing the empathy and validation of those you trust with the full version of yourself and your emotions to make you feel more secure in all that you’re feeling. At the same time, allow those friendships to ground you despite the intensity of your inner world.


Forgiveness is fundamental for your fresh start this season. It’s time to really allow what you’ve been bottling up or holding in to come up; acknowledge it, process it and let it go. Your quest for beauty and balance can only be achieved with full transparency, so expand your personal awareness and the possibilities will be endless.


Intentions are important to set now to keep as guideposts through any emotional chaos that starts to occur. Don’t hesitate to feel as deeply as you can, but make sure you’re intentional about what you’re going to do with the information you get from your feelings instead of being reactive to what comes up.


Core values are an integral part of grounding you in the emotions that might make you spiral. If you haven’t identified them yet, now is the perfect time to do so. If you have, revisit your list and see if anything has changed based on the feelings you’ve been storing that finally need addressing.


Attention is important to give to yourself, but even more important to give others this Cancer season. The saying, “The more you give, the more you receive,” rings true for you, so don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings in abundance. It’s important to see how your vulnerability can be a positive thing.

This original horoscope was created by the author, who has over two decades of astrology and horoscope experience.

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