Students prepare to perform for world-class musicians at Massachusetts choral festival

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BELLINGHAM – Middle and high school musicians from across Massachusetts have spent months preparing for the MICCA Choral Festival, which kicks off on Friday. 

The MICCA 2024 Choral Festival is one of the largest festivals the Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association puts on every year.

“These students and their directors will prepare three pieces for adjudication, and we have a panel of three judges who will be listening and giving feedback,” explained MICCA Public Relations Coordinator James Verdone. 

The group, which is run by music educators from across the state, first started in the ’70s. Their goal is to promote music education by hosting festivals like this one.

More than 220 choirs, bands, and orchestras will come together from April 5 to the 7 to showcase their talents. Students will be able to get feedback from world-class musicians from all over the country. 

Bellingham High School is one of the schools participating in the festival and they’ve been busy practicing for their performance. 

“We know students do better when we have a goal that we’re working towards, so to come together as a team and work toward an objective, we’re going to maximize and accelerate our learning opportunities,” said Band Director Marie Forte. 

One Bellingham senior has been going to the annual Choral Festival since he was in middle school. 

“It’s an exciting thing to do because you really get to showcase what you worked so hard for,” said Christopher DeChellis.

This year’s MICCA Choral Festival will be held at eight sites, including Norwood High School and Westboro High School. 

For more information about the festival, go to the MICCA website.

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