Your Queer Weekly Horoscope: July 8-14

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Welcome to your Queer Weekly Horoscope, a bite-sized look at the coming days broken down by your zodiac sign.

Wax up your emotional surfboard, because we’re in for some major waves in the ocean of feeling that is Cancer Season. Venus makes the biggest splash this week, flirting with oddball Uranus before having a quick make-out session with intuitive Neptune. Then, Venus moves from Cancer to fiery Leo, where it shuns transformative Pluto and makes friends with shadow ruler Lilith. Pluto also reaches out in a rare display of affection for Lilith, which could bolster some much-needed self defense… or encourage indulgence in some absolutely catastrophic behavior. Quick-witted Mercury and generous Jupiter team up to inspire effective communication, and both of these planets interact with the Nodes of the Moon’s orbit to urge everyone toward their destiny. The Sun gets serious about self-understanding in collaboration with Saturn, but the First Quarter Moon might make everyone feel some angst at the very end of the week.

We’ll dive into this weekly horoscope with Cancer, then swim deeper until every sign’s future is accounted for! If you know more of your placements than your Sun Sign alone (Moon, Rising, Mars, etc.), check their entries as well to get a full picture of your astrological forecast.

What the stars are up to:

  • The Sun is in your sign.
  • The Sun creates a trine with Saturn.
  • Venus begins the week in your sign, where it forms a sextile with Uranus and creates a trine with Neptune. Then, Venus leaves your sign and moves to Leo.
  • Your sign ruler the Moon travels through Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio.
  • The First Quarter Moon in Libra squares off against the Sun.

What it means:

What a magnificently Cancerian week! We’ve got an appetizer of enhanced creativity, followed by a powerful main course of harmony between the rulers of desire and instinct. The First Quarter Moon might make your heart ache a little bit, but it’s a productive pain: ultimately tolerable and resulting in increased self understanding. Make the most of these rare and excellent opportunities. You can examine your emotions from a distance while the Moon orbits far away from the Earth, giving you the chance to choose whether to open your heart to your feelings and allow them to flower.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 814

What the stars are up to:

  • Mercury is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler the Sun is in Cancer.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with Jupiter and creates a trine with the North Node.
  • The Sun creates a trine with Saturn.
  • Venus begins the week in Cancer, then moves to your sign.
  • Venus opposes Pluto and forms a sextile with Lilith.
  • The waxing crescent Moon in your sign squares off against Mars and Uranus.

What it means:

The first half of your week is about opportunity. You might feel a bit tired and reticent at first, but you know you can’t waste the chance. You gird up your capability for being responsible, you marshal your gift of gab, and you get some seriously important shit done. Then, melodramatic Venus swoops into your sign to stir up some trouble. If you want to play it safe, go ahead and block former situationships on social media now, and delete any dangerous phone numbers! By the time Friday hits, you run a high risk of temptation to indulge in some mutually destructive toxicity with an ex.

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What the stars are up to:

  • Your sign ruler Mercury is in Leo.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with Jupiter and creates a trine with the North Node.
  • The waxing crescent Moon in your sign squares off against Jupiter, opposes Saturn and Neptune, forms a sextile with the Sun, and creates trines with Mars and Uranus.

What it means:

You’re scheduled for important conversations this week, and you won’t tolerate distraction or avoidance. You’ve got some serious stuff to discuss, and you’re determined to air it out now. Stick to your guns and say the scary things you want to express! You may or may not enjoy the answers you receive, but either way, you need to hear them. Your communications this week will unveil a clear path forward into your future.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 814

What the stars are up to:

  • Lilith and the South Node are in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus begins the week in Cancer, where it forms a sextile with Uranus and creates a trine with Neptune. Then, Venus moves to Leo, where it opposes Pluto and forms a sextile with Lilith.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with the South Node.
  • Pluto creates a trine with Lilith.
  • Jupiter creates a trine with the South Node.
  • The First Quarter Moon in your sign forms sextiles with Venus and Mercury, creates trines with Pluto and Jupiter, and squares off against the Sun.

What it means:

This week could be auspicious or extremely dangerous — it all depends on your choices. You’re faced with an opportunity to expand your comfort zone, and you’re flooded with a selfish urge to indulge in destruction. You might seize the chance to get rid of patterns that don’t serve you and improve your mental landscape in beneficial ways. But you could also behave regressively, choosing short-sighted gratification over wisdom. Tread carefully! These sort of decisions seem very obvious on paper, safely removed from the hot fluctuation of your feelings, but in the moment you may be overwhelmed with a whole-body sense of longing to blow off best judgment and behave recklessly. Either path will probably result in long-term consequences.

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What the stars are up to:

  • Your sign ruler Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius.
  • Pluto creates a trine with Lilith.
  • Venus opposes Pluto.
  • The waxing gibbous Moon in your sign squares off against Pluto and Venus.

What it means:

This is probably not the ideal time to dabble in a new flirtation! You’re headed deep into your own mind to undertake some structural renovation inside your darkest shadows. The distraction offered by desire may feel tempting, but you can’t build anything solid until you finish tidying out cobwebs from the hidden corners of your soul. Don’t use another person as a diversion, or threaten the stability of a growing bond by treating it as a temporary escape from your true self. Take a week to scour out the scariest spaces in your heart, and then you’ll be better prepared to earnestly consider romance.

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What the stars are up to:

  • Your sign ruler Jupiter is in Gemini.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with Jupiter.
  • Jupiter forms a sextile with the North Node, creating a correspondent trine with the South Node.

What it means:

Sometimes a trip down memory lane reveals a path to destiny. You might imagine that faithfully locking your eyes forward will be the most effective way to tread toward your future, but instead, a searching gaze aimed backward down the road you’ve already traveled is ultimately best for you at the moment. In the meantime, you’re blessed with a particularly impressive bonus to your conversational skills. Take note of the lessons you’ve acquired from past mistakes: it’s time to talk your way into a better life!

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What the stars are up to:

  • Your sign ruler Saturn is retrograde in Pisces.
  • The Sun creates a trine with Saturn.

What it means:

You already know that you like to work. You might not love the drudgery of labor while you’re in the thick of toil, per se, but you adore the satisfaction of finishing tasks. You’re insatiably ambitious, and you derive a real sense of thrill from accomplishment. While other signs struggle with an urge to indulge in temptation this week, you revel in the delicious luxury of discipline and achievement.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 814

What the stars are up to:

  • Pluto is retrograde in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Uranus is in Taurus.
  • Venus forms a sextile with Uranus.
  • Pluto creates a trine with Lilith.
  • Venus opposes Pluto.

What it means:

Time to wallow in weirdness! You’ll reach new depths — heights? — records of oddity this week, driven by a potent combination of desire, self-defensive fear, and a perpetual longing for change. That change likely won’t arrive in the form of a romantic entanglement, however. Consider waiting until Venus and Pluto are no longer aligned in direct opposition before attempting to charm a potential partner.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 814

What the stars are up to:

  • Saturn and your ruler Neptune are both retrograde in your sign.
  • The Sun creates a trine with Saturn.
  • Venus creates a trine with Neptune.

What it means:

You’re granted a shining gift of a week, allowing for improved self-understanding and happily satisfied desires. The powers of Sautrn and Neptune — organization and intuition, respectively — are currently muted due to their retrograde status, but that doesn’t mean their effects are invalidated or reversed. Instead, their aspects may result in gentler experiences of epiphany than you might otherwise expect. Enjoy your freshly discovered wisdom!

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 814

What the stars are up to:

  • Chiron and the North Node are in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Mars is in Taurus.
  • Mercury creates a trine with the North Node.
  • Jupiter forms a sextile with the North Node.

What it means:

You’re typically a person of action. Fortunately, talking counts as doing, too! This week, yapping is vital. You can’t fix anything without communication, and now is the time to assign words to anything that’s affecting you. Spend as much time as you want, and talk as much as you need — your fate moving forward is dependent on the matters you discuss this week.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 814

What the stars are up to:

  • Mars and Uranus are in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus begins the week in Cancer, where it forms a sextile with Uranus and creates a trine with Neptune. Then, Venus moves to Leo, where it opposes Pluto and forms a sextile with Lilith.

What it means:

Your sign ruler Venus is prepped for a dramatic twirl. First, you feel deeply attuned to your feelings, brainstorming solutions to problems and daydreaming about ways to attain your ideal life. Then Venus crosses the line from Cancer to Leo and causes you to take a sudden turn. Progress? No thanks! Destruction? Hell yes! But who knows, maybe you just really need to clear some space before you can effectively actualize your early-week fantasies. Have fun with your demolition phase this weekend!

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 814

What the stars are up to:

  • Jupiter is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Mercury is in Leo.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with Jupiter and creates a trine with the North Node.
  • Jupiter forms a sextile with the North Node.

What it means:

Talk, talk, talk, talk; grow, grow, grow, grow! That’s what you’re up to now: working out issues and expanding space for self-understanding. Jupiter is making your life larger, and the North Node beckons you into the future. Just keep on chatting, and everything will eventually work out the way it should.

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