Weekly Horoscope May 26-June 2: Jupiter in Gemini

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Your Weekly Horoscope Says Jupiter in Gemini Is Making Everything Move Faster

Your Weekly Horoscope Says Jupiter in Gemini Is Making Everything Move Faster

Your horoscope for the week of May 26 to June 1 represents the beginning of an exciting new era. Major planetary shifts have settled into place, and this week, you’ll begin to gain an idea of how things are changing. Surprises are still in store, and you might be shocked by what comes next.

The world is already moving at a quickened pace, because Jupiter—planet of growth and abundance—has officially entered Gemini. Since 2023, Jupiter has been moving through grounded and luxurious Taurus, emphasizing the importance of having enough money, support, and resources. This down-to-earth and realistic energy has forced us to slow down, but with the help of revolutionary Uranus, it has also opened unexpected pathways and brought us into the future. Now that Jupiter is buzzing through Gemini, it’s bringing you ideas faster than you can keep up with. Jupiter is technically “debilitated” while moving through Gemini, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its perks. Jupiter in Gemini can teach you a lot and make your mind move in ways you never though it could. However, it can also give you a short attention span and increase the likelihood of boredom.

With Gemini season fully underway, this week brings a breezy and more social energy now that Venus—planet of love and friendship—has joined the party. However, Gemini is currently being ruled by Mercury in Taurus, which is keeping us grounded and forcing us to be more patient with our ideas. On May 27, Mercury will sextile stabilizing Saturn and encourage us to focus on our plans for the longterm future. It’s a beautiful time to start projects that may take a lot of time and discipline to complete.

By the time the moon enters Pisces on the evening of May 29 and forms a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces on May 30, you may feel the heaviness of this burden, but also an unstoppable urge to live up to your expectations. Take your time, as the greatest things in life are worth making sacrifices for.

However, you may be shocked by volatile changes and revelations by May 31. This is when Mercury in Taurus will join forces with Uranus—planet of rebellion and innovation—bringing forth epiphanies and sudden realizations. A conversation may divulge information you never could have predicted, and if you’re a pioneer at heart, this alignment could lead to new inventions, as well as genius and genuinely original ideas.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):




As of this week, Jupiter is officially breezing through your third house of communication, inspiring you to express yourself, tap in to new sources of information, and expand your social circle. This extraverted energy is sure to have you connecting with others.

By May 27, the energy may slow down as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces, bringing your focus to what you have and what you need. Practical plans that unfold over the long-term will reign over instant gratification.

However, that doesn’t mean unexpected breakthroughs won’t arrive, especially when Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. It’s a great time to buy a lottery ticket, as you’re in a position to make a lot of cash with no effort at all. By that same token, you’re just as likely to gamble it all away, so don’t be frivolous with your spending. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is officially expanding your second house of money, putting you in a fortunate position to augment your wealth and increase the resources you have access to. If you play your cards right, you could easily bring yourself up to the next tax bracket by 2025.

By May 27, you have the power to reframe your longterm goals and plant seeds for new beginnings as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces. This will encourage you to take your dreams seriously, but not without being aware of all the time, energy, and work it will require.

However, that doesn’t mean you won’t surprise yourself sooner than you imagined, especially when Mercury joins forces with revolutionary Uranus on May 31. You may change your mind just when you thought you had made it up, so be open to unexpected opportunities when they land on your doorstep. You’re allowed to wake up and feel like a new person. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is officially causing a surge of excitement in your first house of the self, inspiring you to feel larger-than-life. Your confidence is about to expand, but so could your insecurities if you’re not seeing yourself clearly. Whatever you feel now will only be magnified, as Jupiter is the planet of expansion.

However, by May 27, your thoughts may turn inward as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces, bringing your focus to your spiritual health and its relationship with your reputation. You have the power to project an image that aligns with your inherent self, but it will take time to unlearn certain habits.

Either way, psychic downloads can arrive right when you need it most, especially when Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. You may have dreams that teem with symbolism and inner knowing, so find time to meditate with your inner knowing. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is turning your energy inward as it increases the psychic energy in your 12th house of spirituality. This could lead to strange paranormal encounters, vivid dreaming, and the expansion of your heart. Remember to practice protection and discernment.

However, by May 27, you may begin the process of building longterm relationships and signing important contracts as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces. You may decide whether the goals, people, and dreams you’re currently focusing can truly have a place in your future.

You may make waves in the grapevine when Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. People could whisper about the latest thing you’re up to, putting you in a position to change people’s opinion of you overnight. Are you ready to see this revolution to the end? Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is expanding your lifelong dreams and encouraging you to network with like-minded individuals. Creating growth in your 11th house of the community, hopes, and visions, you’re entering a period in which you can really leave your mark on the world by changing it for the better.

However, by May 27, you may plant important seeds for your career as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces. You may reconnect with a life-long goal, allowing you to accept that it’s better to be late to the game than to never try it at all.

A major career breakthrough could begin to unfold when Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. You have the power to try something completely unheard of and excel on your first shot. It may just be beginner’s luck, but it’s a sign that you’re in the right place. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is bringing luck and fascination to your career, emphasizing your public-facing persona and the way you present yourself. For the remainder of the year, you have the power to put forth an image of confidence, superiority, and know-how.

However, by May 27, you may be pulling away from ego-centric concerns and seeing the full picture as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces. In fact, you may find that an older mentor steps in to dole out some sage advice for you this week.

You could reach a major milestone far sooner than expected as Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. You might even make the surprise decision to return to a classroom environment or book a trip across the world. Let it go! Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is expanding your ninth house of wisdom and adventure, bringing you more opportunities to stretch your wings and look at things from a brand new angle. For the remainder of the year, you’re feeling courageous enough to explore.

However, by May 27, you may be thinking about whether you’re seeing a return on your investment as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces. It’s a good time to decide how much effort is too much effort, as well as areas in which you can try even harder.

You could have a surprisingly intimate conversation as Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. This conversation could unveil a deeply guarded secret, driving you to dig deeper and uncover even more truths from the underbelly. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is ushering in a transformative period of your life as it begins its descent into your eighth house of death and rebirth, where it will remain for the remainder of the year and into 2025. Until then, you may be prone to dramatic ups and downs, but it will ultimately increase your power to a level previously unseen.

However, by May 27, you may be cultivating a more meaningful understanding of longterm love as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces. Whether you’re learning how to keep the spark alive in longstanding relationships or you’re learning how to sustain your creative inspiration over a long period of time, it’s all strengthening your heart.

You could meet someone new at a totally random moment once Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. You might even find that an enemy is suddenly becoming an ally, or vice versa! Partnerships are a source of surprise this week. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is expanding the importance of your relationships, urging you to think in terms of “we” instead of merely “I”. You have the potential to meet new partners and accrue more enemies, bringing you wisdom in the way you treat the perennial “other” in your life.

However, by May 27, you may be thinking less about what someone else can do for you and more about what you can do in return. This is when Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces, putting you in the position to work on building up your personal life in a way that protects and provides.

A surprising development could take place at work as Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. You may even experiment with a new fitness regimen or self-care habit, allowing you to take your mind, body, and health to the next level. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is encouraging you to work harder, but also smarter. Expanding the importance of your sixth house of health and routine, you have the power to totally revamp the way you nourish your body and the rituals you live by until 2025.

By May 27, you have the power to nurture longterm creative habits as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces. You can combine pleasure with education in more ways than one, especially if you’re willing to learn more about something—or someone—you desperately love.

A surprisingly flirtatious convo could unfold as Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. Someone could arrive with a rose at hand, ready to divulge their romantic feelings to someone. And hey, that person could easily be you! Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter is enhancing your creative reserves, urging you to express yourself and have fun in the way you see fit. Until Jupiter enters Cancer in 2024, you could enjoy excitement in your love life, as well as progress in your artistic visions.

However, by May 27, you may be thinking more about your longterm stability and lifelong happiness as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces. How can you set yourself up for a life in which you don’t have to want for anything? In which you can enjoy comfort without stress?

There could be unexpected turbulence at home as Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. Friction could unfold in your family dynamics, but it is often during times uncertainty that a family becomes closer than ever before. Make no mistake—your personal life may be entering uncharted territory. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.




As of this week, Jupiter will be kindling a fire in your fourth house of home and family until well into 2025. Because Jupiter is the planet of expansion and wisdom, your family could grow in size and your focus on building a sturdy home will bring your personal life to the next level.

However, by May 27, you may feel ready to ask questions that are difficult to answer as Mercury in Taurus forms a sextile with Saturn in Pisces. It’s time to approach a situation with maturity and patience, but not without letting down your guard or your seriousness.

Gossip could land in your inbox when you lease expect it, especially once Mercury joins forces with innovative Uranus on May 31. Be careful what you say, as one exchange could cause a storm in your social sphere. Mold the narrative to your desired shape. Sometimes saying nothing says everything. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

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